Monday, April 25, 2016


Sometimes I feel God allows us to have negative or bad relationships just to show us how different His love is. His love is unconditional, it is never insecure, it never questions whether you are worth it. To Him you are always worth it. I know for me I need to start being more careful who I let have some of my heart. Will they take care of it like God, or will they just use it and throw it away when they do not want it anymore? Guard your heart.
Outfit: Button down - Loft, Skirt - J.Crew, Nude Pumps - Kate Spade


  1. What I have learned on my journey in bad relationships is this: Often times those relationships reflect what we need to change in our own lives. Reminding us of what areas we need to grow and mature in God's love for us.

    When I became frustrated with this person for not taking care of their health and pursuing their dreams, I had to dig deep and become aware that I was really frustrated with myself. I needed to focus on my health and my dreams/calling. That was a good lesson for me!

    It woke me up in a beautiful way! I also learned this great lesson:

    If that person doesn't see the beautiful amazing treasure they truly are through God's eyes in their own heart, they will not see the amazing treasure you are either.

    Philippians 4:7
    "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"

    So thankful God's peace and love for us will always guard our hearts with discernment and wisdom :)

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